im wondering...could it be..

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
Time for these boys to. Comei outta me??
I feel lik my last tirmester is my first trimester throin up hardly eatin...I gain so much weight tho...ugh I'm ready for these boys to jus come out...any one goin thru the same I'm 35wks


  • I am 34wks and I always feel sick (never throw up) just feel sick and tired all the time I am due May 1 and have to work until April 20th then I am moving into a new apartment. Since I wasnt sick at all during the first tri I thought this was just from stress but I dont ahhhh Im just ready to meet my lil prince already
  • Me too:( ready for both of my boys to come out I can't take this anymore..ugh I get sick n jus throw up now..
  • I'm 33 weeks and 4 days and I haven't actually gotten sick but I do get nauseous more than usual. I didn't get sick very often in my first trimester either though. I'm just ready for my little man to come out! I wanna see him and hold him already!
  • Aww everyone is havin me too ready to see hands n toes n hear sone cryin already
  • I will be 35 weeks on Friday and I am also ready for my boy and girl twins to be here! I havnt struggled with any sickness and Im trying to enjoy being preggo fortune first and last time. April 29th seems so far away.

    @julies_2 are tour boys both head down? My little twin a is head up but my twin b is head down. So most likely I will have a c section if she doesn't turn soon. R u scheduled to have a c section? Do you know how early twins are usually delivered?
  • @rebeltwins
    I was wondering about the head down and dropping if ur having twins
    do thy both o head down then one drop?
    Im confused lol
  • Umm one stays head down(A) n (B) flips the doctors r hopin by the time I deliver he.b a good boy n go head down so I can have thm vaginally but we will see...n it depends on if something goes wrong preterm labor preclaspia one of their heart rate friend carried twins fullterm n they had to induce her n thn there's other people tht at 7months have thm it all depends on those babies..:)good luck
  • @bkuneki umm not all the time u can have one vagnally n thn get a csection wit the other...sounds sucky
  • @Julies_2 oh im happy I didn't have twins this time lol that would suck
    is this ur first
  • @bkuneki I'm not sure exactly how the dropping works with twins. Maybe some experienced moms with twins can help us out on that topic. I would love to know myself. Since my twins are not both head down yet I'm not sure if there is enough room for her to turn down. I guess we will just have to see how their positions are progressing each week when I get my ultrasound. I have been going to weekly Dr. Appts. for several weeks now and get an u/s each time. Im thankful that I am lucky enough to see my babies this much throughout my pregnancy.
  • No this is my second pregnancy my furst is a single I ask tons of questions I'm always askin something to my
    @rebeltwins me too I love it! How big r they now?
  • The last time they were measured which has been several weeks lil girl (baby a) out weighed her brother at 4 lbs 2 oz and my son (baby b) weighed 3 lbs 13 oz. I am hoping to get a current measurement this Friday to see how much they have grown over the past several weeks. I know these weights are an estimated guess but it still gives me excitement to know how fast they are growing up.

    @julies_2 how big are your boys?
  • Me too a is 4.3 n b is 4.9 n I get another one on Thursday...I can't wait :x
  • Hey girls! I had boy/girl twins five years ago. I completely relate to just wanting them OUT!!! :) But for as long as you possibly can, keep those babies in. Every day is huge especially for boys. Boy babies always have trouble when born early, they need that extra time to grow and finish developing. I begged my doctor to induce me at 37 weeks and he refused. I cried and threw a fit, but a week later when they were born my son still had a little trouble breathing and I was sooo thankful he had an extra week to develop his little lungs.

    Mine would flip from breech to head down every week! It was nuts! Then the day I went in for an induction they did one last ultrasound and they were both head down! So they let me go naturally and I had them both vaginally. They were each 7 pounds 1 ounce and went home with me three days later!

    Congratulations on making it this far girls! I know how miserable you are and how much you want them out, but every day you keep them in is one less day they will spend in the NICU, and you do NOT want them there! Just a few more weeks! :)
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