Breastfeeding question!?

edited March 2011 in Breastfeeding
Ok so I've tried bf before but it seemed like I didn't make enough milk. And I'm desperate this time to try anything that will help produce enough milk for my baby. This is my last one and I don't want to have any regrets. I've heard of herbs that works wonders and they are all natural. Have any of you mamas tried anything? Or have any advice for me? Thanks!


  • Just keep trying. I gave up with my first, didn't try with second, bf daughter for a year. I wasn't sure i was making enough milk, so i started pumping after she nursed. That stimulated me to make more milk, but they go through stages where they just don't seem to get enough. She also didn't gain weight, even though we could see her growing physically. Just feed when baby cries and don't let your fears stop you.
  • I tried with my first but it was hard as he was 10 weeks early so I had to express and as I wasn't allowed to hold him for a long time I soon dried up :( with my second I tried yet agen but for some reason it never seemed to be enough so I'm hoping that with this pregnancy everything will be good and I cam breastfeed her at the end.. I know that there is tablets the doc can give you to help milk come along if your not producing enough but that's about all I know.. I hope you find something or just be lucky and produce all the milk possible :D
  • Pump after baby nurses, wait like 20 mind though. My daughter was sucking to hard and fast and tapped me out quick. She was eating double I was making. I had to pump just to feed her tje next time plus my boobs. In total she needed 4oz but u don't make that much the first week. Lol
  • edited March 2011
    Ur breasts should make as much as the baby drinks... I strictly bf for the first 6wks until I went back to work n it was fine... just once u r apart u really have to pump as many times the baby ate when u guys where together to keep the milk coming otherwise ur breast will think u don't need it :-S u can can buy the tea called mothers milk to me it taste disgusting but it works
  • edited March 2011
    I too had a hard time producing milk, I pumped after baby was done nursing, I took the pills the doctor can give you to help you milk come in but I still never made enough. Only 1/2 ounce between both of my breasts. By the time my daughter was 3 weeks old, she was getting sick and kept losing weight and my milk had completely dried up so I had to use formula. I was upset but some of us can't produce the milk we need to keep our babies healthy. Best of luck hun, I hope you can breastfeed this time :) congrats.
  • Drink mothers milk tea it helps I used it with my son when he started to wean himeself but every once in awhile he'd want to feast I had started to dry up I drank mothers milk and it worked good
  • I always pumped on the opposite side than my son was feeding. I did this about 3 times per day and produced more than he needed. This allowed me to freeze some too and use for cereal when he got older. I stopped pumping extra after 1 year and continued to BF until he was 19 months and I got pregnant with my second. Stay positive and you will be fine. Stress will suppress your milk.
  • there is an old wives tale that says if u drink a beer it will relax the glands into producing more milk. or so the milk flows. something my mom said. worked for one of my sisters. n a cousin. so. thats just something I heard
  • The pediatrician suggested fenugreek, it's all natural... works wonders! The beer thing does work but it only lasts for like 24 hours so it's kind of a one time deal thing since obviously you're not going to want to drink everyday! Good luck!
  • Thanks yall! @1_mama_squared That's the one I've heard about the most! That one and the mothers milk. I can't wait to see my baby girl! I have a tone of clear milky stuff now so hopefully I'll make enough for her!:)
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