july mommas



  • Due July 24th and will find out the sex on March 4th.
  • edited January 2011
    I'm due July 23rd and will find out what I'm having in March!
  • I'm due July 11th and I'm not sure when I find out the gender. My doctor usually waits til 20 weeks and if so that means I have 5 more weeks. I'm from VA.
  • I'm 15 weeks today and I find out in two weeks hoping for a girl I have a 2year old boy. I'm due July 18th
  • I am from texas I'm due july 27th we hope to find out the sex of the baby tuesday
  • Happy to ssee other moms due july 24th! U know that puts our conception date as Halloween! How funny. I find out what I'm having February 2nd at an Early ultrasound place! Only 80 bucks and I think it will be worth it to get 3d pics of my little miracle baby.
  • I'm due July 10. Expecting my 7th child. Have u/s on Feb 2 and hopefully we'll find out our baby's gender. Took red cabbage test & Intelligender & both say girl. Have to wait & see. I'm Orlando,FL. Congrats to all the mommas.
  • edited January 2011
    @melinda326 whats the red cabbage test? I'm due July 10 with our third child not sure what I'm having or when I get to find out. I'm from va
  • @Debs the red cabbage test is you chop up red cabbage and boil 10 minutes then take equal part urine & cabbage water(w/out the cabbage) if it turns pink or red =boy & purple=girl. I got this off of pregnancy.org website. Try it out!
  • Hi I'm a first time mom, due July 8. Really hoping for a girl I find out in 3 weeks and I'm from Memphis tn
  • 1st baby....REALLY excited, I'm due July 26th & I REALLY want a boy! From MI.
  • first baby due July 29, i really want a girl
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  • I'm due July 17 with my 3rd. We have not made up our mind if we want to find out. We have a appointment for Feb 23 set already. I'm from Colorado
  • Im due July 27th with my first child. My bf and I find out what were having on Jan. 24th. Im hoping for a girl he wants a boy. And im from sa,tx
  • I'm due July 15. We find on on Valentine day what we're having. I'm so anxious
  • Due July1st from Colorado :)
  • I just went to find out the sex I'm due.july 26th but my new doctor gave me a due date of july 20th based on the babys size and I just went in yesterday and they couldn't tell what I was having.. now I have to wait until feb 17th
  • I am due the beginning of july. After losing a pregnancy at 17 weeks the sex of the baby isn't important...I just want a happy and healthy baby!
  • @beachbaby I feel the same way lost my last pregnancy at 33 weeks so I say I don't care the sex of the baby just as long as the baby is healthy and alive. Good luck to you
  • Hello im new too this, 1st baby, im due july 4th & get too find out feb 4th what the gender of our little pumpkin is :) hope everyones pregnancys are going good.
  • Sorry for your loss deb. Wishing you nothing but the best...and a happy healthy babe!
  • I am due july 21st with my 3rd I am hoping for a girl this time cause I alrready have 2 boys! I find out march 10th what we are having,but I have an ultrasound Monday to check cervical length cause I was in the 3rd stages of having cervical cancer in 06 and had to have a surgery done. I am hoping they can tell me Monday since I am about 15 weeks
  • edited January 2011
    I am due july 28 I live in mn..im 19 n this.is my first bby...wont kno da gender tilll march, I cnt wait
  • I'm due July 11 I find out wat I'm having on Feb 22...frm philly hood luck ladies
  • I'm due july21 is anyone still getting sick everday? Its making me crazy
  • I will b 17 weeks Monday an have a doctor appointment nxt week. Wenever she schedules mi nxt ultrasound I should b able to find out the sex. Hoping for a girl, but I think I'm having a boy. I'm from Arkansas and my due date July 4th
  • Hi everyone. I am new to these boards and excited to be here. I am 32 and pregnant with my first. I will be 15 weeks tomorrow and have our gender scan on Valentine's Day! I am due July 16th. We are so excited, but scared to death at the same time :-)
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