i have a question...please help

edited March 2011 in First time moms
I had sex with my bf (now my ex). We had unprotected sex (2-24-11) I took two pregnancy test at home they both came out negative (I took them 3-11-11 I think I took them to soon). Anyways I made an appointment 3-18-11 because I didn't get my period then on the 16th I thought I got my period but it wasn't normal though it was very light it was pinkish and then on 3-18-11(I usually get my period for 7 days) I got to the doctors and told em what was going on she told me my test was negative (my spotting/period stopped 3-19-11)but lately my lower back as been hurting, my breast are bigger and they hurt, I have cramps, tired and been going to the bathroom a lot!


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