Freaky Food Fantasies



  • hahahaha yeah it's a pretty trippy show, alot of the shows are strange these days tho. I remember growing up watching things like the rugrats & barney (sadly) lol but at least those shows weren't too odd. Then I remember my little sister growing up watching teletubbies. I think thats when the shows started to get weird lol
  • yeah i remember those too i still find rugrats on every once in a while and willmake the boys watch that lol...yep i would definatly say thats when they started to get weird i dont even think the teletubbies really talked they had like that baby which always looked huge cause its head was like the sun or something like that
  • YEAH!! hahaha i so remember that! I never see rugrats on tv anymore, which is probably a good thing because I know I would drop everything and zone in to it haha. Teletubbies was sooo weird tho, they had a vacuum that was their friend lol
  • i know i do when its on. I would like to find out who thought of that cartoon and find out if they were on some kind of drug or something!
  • hahahahaha it seems like a lot of the recent shows are on acid or something! I do like Dora tho, it teaches me spanish hahaha
  • yeah my kids watch that and diego too and they know more spanish then me lol
  • I see that channel "My baby can read"
    Idk if you have heard of it but it's like a program type thing that teaches your baby to read at a really young age. I just wonder if it works. It's crazy! If you have the time google it or watch a video on youtube. It tripped me out because it's like 1 year olds reading que cards!
  • yeah my fiance is all about it lol he says we are getting it thwy even sell it in our walmart !!
  • Omg i know I want it too! And I also want the "Baby Bullet"
    it will def save money on baby food when the time comes
  • thats awesome, i am going to have to look at this baby bullet i used to make my sons baby food with fresh fruit and he enjoyed it more then the jar you can take an ice cube tray and put baby food you make in it and put plastic wrap over it and frezze it and take out as many as you need and i bought cheap bowls with lids and would freeze them and take some out of the freezer and put in the fridge for the next day
  • lol this went from cravings to cartoons!
    I craved birdseed when I was pregnant with my daughter! lmao! I STILL get teased about it! nothing weird this pregnancy... yet.
  • yeah us pregnant people tend to get off track alot!! lol
  • i love hearing about all the random cravings tho, never heard birdseed although my friend craved biting straws. she would carry around a straw all the time and just chew on it lol
  • I had a dream about marshmallows dipped in salsa when I woke up my mouth tasted like marshmallows but Eww I would never eat that.
  • I haven't had any weird ones yet..but I did eat nutella on nilla wafers the other day and it was yummaaaayyy lol
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