to all military moms

edited March 2011 in Military moms
to all of you ladies: You were given this award because you are a AWESOME Military Wife! You are beautiful, no matter what is going on. You are strong, even when you hear the worst news, that your husband is yet again leaving for another deployment. You stay strong for him and for your family. Thank you for being strong, beautiful and AMAZING!


  • I'm a military wife, I live thousands of miles from him, 3.5 months. It's tough.
  • I'm a military wife. It's tough but rewarding. Just found out my hubby leaves next week instead of July. ) : I'm 7 weeks
  • I am due June 29th and he leaves August :( with everything going on I need to learn VERY QUICKLY how to deal with the stress in a positive way because there is going to be lots of it this year!
  • Are you going to be near family or staying where u two are stationed? Pluse ur have ur lil buddy and that should help keep you busy and ur mind occupide with the baby more then anything else that's at least what I'm hoping fr sence my deploys in april and due in july its the price we pay to be married to military
  • That just made my day!! :X thanks
  • Thank husband was transferred to germany a week after I found out I was pregnant then got to come home on leave when I was about 3 months pregnant for us to get married and then went back to germany to get deployed 2 weeks later....and now I'm due in less then 2 weeks while he is gone....
  • Im a miitary wife and due in aug 27. He is currently in afghan and coming home this summer officially. You are a strong mom tand military wife also.
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