We found out 2 weeks ago that we are having twins. I am still in disbelief!!! We went in for our 1st trimester ultrasound and there they were! Not common on either side of our families. We will find out april 22nd what they are.
@baby_gurls I have a 14 month old too! He was born January 19 2010, he'll be almost two when I have the twins but Im still scared thinking about raising three kids all under 3! But I know we can do it I wish you the best.
@surprisetwins same here! Twins came out of nowhere, I guess it was just meant to be I still can't believe it sometimes, but its sinking in a little. I just can't wait to find out the sexes!
I'm pregnant with twin boys due july 21 I already have two girls a 5yr old and my one yr old will be 2 in june twins do run in family on both sides no fert treatment but I'm so ready to have them I'm 25 weeks and 3 days
@baby_gurls yay!!!! Congratulations on your healthy little girls I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to post my news, and hopefully get some advice from you when I have my double bundle Good luck and blessings with everything
@surprisetwins same here! Twins came out of nowhere, I guess it was just meant to be