concieving after a m/c, am i normal to feel this way?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
hi guys im new to pregly, i had a m/c june last year, i was only about 5-6 weeks but i was still very upset and waited a few months before trying again. In November i became pregnant again and i am now 17 weeks along but it doesnt seem real, i keep thinking something is going to go wrong and i dont feel excited at all, i thought i might get better as weeks go by but its getting worse and havent even told that many people. Has anyone else been through the same as me and felt the same? Nobody seems to understand :( Got a healthy 4yr old boy too


  • I'm currently 12w and ive had so many m/c that I still don't feel pregnant. I don't let it worry me its just my brains way of protecting me from more pain. It was the same with my toddler, it gets a bit better when the baby starts moving.
  • Me 2! I have 4yr old son..I had a mc last summer and I got pregnant in January ..3 months now and told people here and there..but no big announcement excited some days and worried others. I think all of us that go though a lost are worried ..we just have to be positive :)
  • I haven't had a mc how ever I'm on preg no 4 my youngest @ the 20 week ultrasound had a few probs n it looked like once he was both we may have lost him however it turned out to b nothing but this preg I didn't tell many ppl till I had my ultrasound @ 13weeks . Maybe it'll change once u have seen bubs n feel them kick
  • ive felt it move lots already which is alot earlier than my 1st and have had my ultrasound 5 weeks ago, an heard the heartbeat a week ago, i go for sexing ultrasound in 3 weeks so maybe i will feel better then. It must have affected me alot worse than what i thought and i just need to accept the fact that i am pregnant and enjoy it because its my last one!!
  • edited March 2011
    Hey sweety, it's a normal feeling. I went through a miscarriage 6 yrs ago. I was devastated for years. Couldn't get preggo for years after that. Ended up doing IVF, 4 years ago and got preggo with twins. I was excited but terrified, didn't want anything, didn't want a shower didn't want to prepare. I was on bed rest for the entire pregnancy. My mom and family made the decision to throw me a shower anyway, it was the best thing they did for me. Gave birth to two healthy little boys. Now I'm preggo again, and again I'm terrified.
    If you can try to start planning for your babies arrival you may start to feel better..goodluck.
  • @misslisajane hello there, i had two mcs one in sep 2009 and the other jan 2010 and i also feel like its two gud to be true, im now almost 17w and we need to stop being scared...its hard but we gotta manage to do so...its now our time. Gud luck wish u healthy pregnacy and a healthy strong bby, at how many weeks did u have ur last mc, i had them at 4-6w so i thnk ive gtten pritty far along..
  • I think i was 5-6 weeks 2 but i was heartbroken an felt like it was my fault even tho now i know i couldnt have stopped it from happening, life is very cruel, just cant believe its making me feel this way at 17 weeks thought i wud be ok by now! Thanks for answering girls :-)
  • We had an ectopic in August and just in Feb were told pregnant w twins. we didn't want to tell anyone until saw heartbeats. We finally saw one and see told the second twin was a week behind and not developing. they then gave us an ultrasound with both sacks and little guys. I asked for one with just the baby with a heartbeat and the nurse got all indignant like I was a horrible person. I shouldn't of had to, but explained I'd rather give good news of OMG twins! Than take away from our healthy jellybean with the news we lost a baby. I was treated like the worst human, but am glad stuck to guns. second baby didn't make it. It is completely normal to be a little less rose colored sunglasses after losses like that. But, you appreciate the little things a lot more! Focus on the good all you can and congrats on 17 weeks! :)
  • I lost twins in july at 18 weeks they was so perfect its unreal I was devastated as u can imagin an id had a scan knowin they was girls, gutted! I had an empty feeling after that knowin I should be a mum but wasn't so I tryed an fell in nov aswel, I was so happy but now I feel guilty an think its to soon an the twins are gonna be upset with me :/ im now 19 weeks so u can imagin the week I just had loosing them at 18 I was scared of even moving! Its just natural hun x
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