Anyone choosing NOT to breastfeed??



  • Okay it was nice to hear watevery one thought...t is my first baby also nd I really don't no What to expect...I hear it hurts while there sucking...but it also hurts when ur breast are so woulda u have to pump anyway? Or do they stop hurting? I agree with newmom0811 I will try it but if I don't like it then formula!...but there's sooooo many to choose from I need my drs recommendation for a good one...I have no ideal
    good luck ladies!!!
  • Im going to attempt breast feeding... Its been said if u breast feed you'll loose the weight faster... I'll give it a try *shrugs*
  • I really want to breast feed but thinking about not doing it for a selfish reason I feel kinda bad though so I might just end up doing it for the first couple of months. But I don't want to bc I want to go on diet pils to lose all the weight that I'm gaining. I've had an eating disorder for 14 years now off and on so this is killing me I feel like a fat pig.
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