Is anyone else trying OPK this month?

edited March 2011 in December 2011
I have been ttc for 2 years and 3 months now. This month I am trying clear blue opk. I'd love to see who all is trying opk this month and who all it works for.


  • I've been using that one for 3 months now. I like the digital so I don't have to interpret lines. It seems to be pretty accurate as far as prediction goes - usually about when I expect it and I tend to feel ovulation cramps within a day or so. Hoping 3rd time of using it's the charm for me! I was pregnant my 2nd time using it with my first baby, so I have faith. ;) Good luck to you! AF is due April 4th for me, so I'm in my 2ww. I'll keep you posted, keep me posted! :)
  • Im using an opk for the first time this month. I sure hope it helps... only time will tell i guess. Good luck to u ladies! :)
  • I used opk this month for the first time and just got a bfp yesterday! So I totally have faith in them!!
  • When i was ttc someone told me about the ovulation watch. It's a watch you wear. You might want to check it out. I never tried it so I don't know how well it works. Good luck : )
  • How long are everyone's cycle mine is 34 to 36 not sure what day to start the opk on.
  • Mine's 25-28 days. I went with the box of 20 so I could test right away. My first test was about day 7 of my cycle. The first month was positive on day 10, but last 2 months were 14 and 15. So I say, start early cuz you never know!
  • Ok u guess ill start testimg tomorrow or Saturday then.
  • edited March 2011
    I am using them for the first time this month too. The first day of my menstrual cycle was March 9th. I started testing on the 13th day counting from the first day of my period. Really weird though because starting from the 22nd until now I've been getting a positive for ovulation. 4 DAYS!! I'm so confused on that. I'm using the first response ones. But I felt ovulation cramps on the 22nd & 23rd especially. Also on the 23rd my cm was way more slick and my temperature rised the day after. I've had sex 9 days straight and now every other day. Hopefully I ovulated on the days I felt cramping. I'm so hoping for a positive pregnancy test on April 3rd. This 2ww is excruciating!!!
  • My period was feb 24 and I believe I have a35-38 day cycle. I did the ovulation kit the 13-20. I forgot one morning. I never got a positive result for ovulation so either I started testing to early or to late!
  • @BabyLuv8...i doubt you started too late, you should keep testing.
  • Well they say most ppl ovulate 14 days before their next period. So I tested when I thought. (forgetting february has less days!) I only bought the 7 day one. so if I'm not pregnant this month. Next time I will get the 20 day one!
  • No ovulation yet. Probably next week is my guess. Luckily I got the clear blue 20 day tests. Is anyone else out there trying the opk for a Dec. Baby?
  • Well, for me 3rd time was a charm! It definitely worked! Got my BFP! :D I hope you have good luck this month, too!
  • I used the 20 pack clear blue ovulation kit this past cycle for the first time after 9 months of ttc. I got my bfp last Thursday so I really think the tests work well...due Dec 8th...had first appt. today and everything going well ;)
  • I wanna try it this month not sure how tO use it can some one explain
  • Got to the store or go online and buy the tests. I like clear blue 20 day tests. They are digital and very easy to read. Smiley face is positive and circle is Neg. Once you get a smiley face have sex that day and for 3 days following.
  • So I have 3 tests left out of 20 and still no positive. This stinks. Luckily I am doing the calendar method too. Hope it works.
  • So yesterday I finally got a positive opk. I am due to start on the 21. I would think I would ovulate earlier than that. Does anyone know if this is normal to ov so close to af.
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