wife seems distant

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
During my wires first trimester I posted something on how my wife was as affectionate and seemed like she didn't want to talk as much and people said that it was the hormones I was told things change in the second trimester I don't want to sound selfish but she is 14 weeks is this still normal kind of scares me


  • Yes"/ shes pregnant. Get used to everything being different! My bf feels the same way, your not alone. We can't help it. But we still love our hubbys!
  • You may want to ask her what's on her mind, let her know that you notice shes been distant.
  • It's normal. I'm 15.5weeks & I'm still distant frm my hubby. Try taking her out, or ask her if there's anything she wants to do. It always helps me ;)
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  • Ya that's def my wife swear I can't say or do anything right
  • There are days when I want to be lovey dovey and cuddle and theres days when I could punch the next person who touches me....when a woman is pregnant she will go through ALOT not only emotionally but physically as well! Just hang in there ;) I know its hard for my husband to understand sometimes but we just communicate with each other on how I am feeling so he is a little more prepared. Maybe you can ask you wife to tell you how she feels too. It will all be okay though ;) Dont be worried just be supportive no matter how crazy things get!
  • @ks0117 my boyfriend said that to me the other day, I didn't realize I was being distant... to me I was acting normal, to him... he swore something was wrong with me. Some times I wish my boyfriend would just come up to me and hug me and say "everything is going to be ok" men will never understand what women are going through being pregnant. You cry over nothing, upset over crazy stuff... men will never get it, cause they will never go through it. I remember I was the same as you when my bff was pregnant.. I was like man what's her problem? Well.... then I got pregnant... I totally understand. You just have to remember, its hormones! Hormones suck!!!!!! I hope everything gets ok for you, I know being worried in a relationship is a horrible feeling.
  • About 16 - 20 weeks you should see q change
  • Its very easy for women to get annoyed or feel as though we're in this (pregnancy) alone it's so much our bodies go through! My bf just thinks I'm crazy at times but all the changes can be overwhelming!
  • Just try to be as supportive as you can. Hormones can be a witch! If she shows any signs of wanting affection, jump at the opportunity. Emotions tend to flip flop.
  • I'm 16w 2d and Im still like that. I have good days and bad days but it seems to letting up some now. Hang in there dad pregnancy is really hard on us physically and mentally.
  • Im sure my husband would prefer I was distant instead of the super huge brat I have been with this pregnancy. I have never been so mean in my life.
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