Im scared.

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 19 turning 20 only a few days after my babies due date, but I am terrified. My boyfriend and I were only together a month before I got pregnant (thank god we waited to have sex that long bc I got pregnant the first time). He is great now, but everyone says the baby changes everything. Im 21 weeks and now that im feeling the baby kick non stop I think its hitting me this is so afriad because I don't know what to expect or if I will be able to truly count on him when the time comes. . .


  • If he is great now he most likely will stay that way but always prepare yourself stay in school get a degree and a stable job good luck Sweetheart. :)
  • Don't worry about it hun, everything will be fine. Just do what you have to do to take care of your baby. That way If he ends up being unreliable at least you will be able to supoort your child without him.
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