i would like to apolgize

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I am truly sorry to everyone that I've hurt on this app. Or started things between people. That was no where in my intensions. Yes I am young. Yes I had unprotected sex. No I didn't track nothing.caz I cleary said I think! That's what obv. Is. So please read before you open your mouth. But I'm not going to start anything. I only came here for answers to questions I had. Not opinions of what you think of me. I'm glad were no where related! :D. But as I say even if you think bad things you don't have to say them, its a thing called holding your tongue. What if your boss daughter had this problem. What? Your ganna tell her all the bad things you told me. Or kiss her butt to save your job. Yeaa I think I know the answer too that. What if you child wants a child at a young age.. you can't stop her. She ganna have sex weither you know it or not. What you ganna do, bring her down till she ends up killing or cutting herself. You women are shameless. But I'm not ganna judge you caz that's not what this app is for. I'm just ganna move on and women up from this app. So once again I'm sorry. (All jokes aside)
Take my apology or not.
#don't care.


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  • Hello.idk if u got to read the comment I wrote but basically there is an abortion pill it can be taken up to 9wks of pregnancy.u should check out the planned parenthood website.they have alot of info.I personally don't believe in abortion but its not my body.I got preg at 17.I have a friend who did an open adoption and it was best decision she ever made.I don't judge only Gog can do that.just remember its ur decision and u have to live wit it.I also understand how hard it is to share wit ur family but maybes there someone ur more close to in ur family that can help u.I told my older sis first.watevr u choose good luck and god bless you.if u eve need to talk i know u don't know me but im here.
  • Btw u have no need to apologize. U did nothing wrong u asked a question and me and one other women answered it.
  • I just want to tell u plz think every option through. I had an abortion on my 16th bday. Haunted me for yrs. I had it at 15 weeks. Worst experience of my life. I was young n irresponsible. Def not ready for a child. But looking back I wish I wouldbe chose adoption. Now happily married I tried for 2 yrs to get preg. Felt like I was being punished for the pregnancy I terminated. We didnt think we could have kids but eventually it happened. I wish u best of luck. Dnt let others judgement bring u down. But do check all options. My mind was changed on abortion after I saw just how developed the baby is in a short time. Gets a heartbeat very early.
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