No more sex for me

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
My husband says we aren't having sex anymore because last night he felt our baby move during. He says it feels different and he thinks hes hurting the baby. I didn't think anything of it but now my friends are telling me hes probably having an affair.


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  • How far along are u?
  • With my first son my bd only had sex with me once just after I found out I was preggers then it was 2 months after my son was born when we did it again but not once did I think he was having an affair, he just thought it was weird doing it when there was a little person inside me (his words) this time round he's more relaxed about it but says that once the bump is bigger then no more nookie, fine by me :P lol x
  • I'm 26 weeks pregnant thanks
  • damn that sucks... all i have to say is from now on i am only gonna do doggy so that if he thinks something moved ill just say, "no baby i was doing kegels for your pleasure" me+no sex=one unhappy camper...
  • Why would he be cheating on you?
  • and i doubt he is having an affair... just imagine you were sticking a one of your favorite body parts into one of his favorite body parts and something started to move... it would creep you out too... lolz...
  • What crappy friends to tell you that unless there are other indications! It's common for BD's to feel that way :)
  • @ third Omg I am going through the same thing! We r not married though and I posted something about my issues I go up in my head but dont I bet he is just nervous
  • Yah and im not legally married but we have been together for 4 years. Everyone considers us married it just stuck.
  • Thanks to everyone I feel much better and we had a talk. I'm going to the ob's tomorrow and ill have her explain hes not hurting the baby. Hopefully it helps cuz honestly I cant live without it.
  • I have heard of guys freaking out over it. Now that he knows he isn't hurting the baby, maybe you can try a different position to where he doesnt have direct contact with your growing belly. Good luck with that.
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