
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Just wondering, if getting horrible, just out right Bob awful headaches is a part being pregnant? I tend to get them when any kind of smoke is around, thats not the only time though, they also tend to happen through out the day, and they're terrible. So my question is, are the headaches a regular kind of thing and if not should I be worried about them? AND is there something, if anything, I could take to help ease the pain?


  • im not sure but i get them too...
  • I was told it was normal and to take tylenol however, if its constant and sleep caffeine or tylenol doesn't help I would call my doctor... just in case.
  • I get them in my eyes. Every night it feels like someone pulling them out of my face. Apparently your eye sight improving or getting bad is a factor of pregnancy. I now have to get glasses. Tylenol is safe to take everyday though.
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