weight gain??

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 25 weeks and still haven't gained any weight...is it bad for the baby? I don't wanna go eat a bunch of junk food...but at the same time I feel like somethings not right.


  • Has the dr.showed any concern? Eat more carbs and protein
  • No the doctor won't say whether its good or bad. Just that the baby looks healthy..
  • you might be losing weight and the baby gaining weight so its evening its self out cuz i lost hella weight the first tri and juststarting to gain some im also 25 weeks
  • My dr told me as long as baby is healthy, everythings fine. The dr I had for my second son wanted me to drink ensure drinks. I didn't cause the weight gain was exactly the same as the first! Every pregnancy is different. I am on baby # 6 and will list weight gain for each.....17,17, 66, 8, 30, and 18 so far I'm 32 weeks.
  • W/ 1st 3 preg.s, I didn't gain a pound until after 20 wks. Then I gained 40, 20 & 40. This preg. I haven't gained any weight yet, but I am only 9 wks. Hoping to gain 20 or less this time, just b/c I am heavier 2 start w/ this time around.

    If your body wants u to gain weight, it'll make you feel like you are starving ALL the time. The baby will take what it needs.
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