Distance Problem...

edited March 2011 in First time moms
Hey girls...Ok...So I reallyreallyreallyreally want a water birth...I just feel that that would be so much comfortable for me...i tend to get a lil anxious here and there and HATE being bossed around...I like being in control...Plus, i despise hospitals...Ive watched a ton of water births on line and i saw the business of being born; Amazing! With a water birth, im free to move around as I please...I can take my time...Im in a more relaxed environment...Everything just seems soooo much better for me & the baby....ONLY PROBLEM is, that the birth clinic ive been considering is 2hrs & 20mins away!!! :-(( Does that mean I should forget about it!? If camping out (in a hotel or something) is possible, i swear id do it...Im super confused now...Any advise!? <3


  • A water birth sounds nice to me too! I saw that movie on netflixs. My husband is totally against it. Even though I'm at hospitals everyday for work he still wants baby born in one. Good luck, don't give up if you really want it.
  • @amedic10 thanx!!! why is ur husband against it?! & im deff not giving up! ;)
  • I think he is grossed out by blood in a tub and baby near, no good reason really. He was born in a hospital, is all reason I get. Lol duh, so was I but things change. I don't wanna rush into pitocin, or have an IV. I wanna do the work as nature intended. As best I can, if the baby handles it well.
  • lol...im fixin 2 watch some water birth videos with my man in a bit...lets see how he takes it...lol
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