I had my 8 1/2 pound son vaginally and had an awful healing process and because of that I'm considering a c-section for my second due in July? Which is an easier recovery?
I had a c-section & was up & walking around within a day & a half. I felt great, & lost my baby weight a lot quicker. My incision was healed within two weeks almost completely! We don't have elective c-sections at my hospital though, or through my practice. So, see of they even do them without a reason! Good luck Momma (: I would much rather go through a thirty minute procedure then something that could take hours, lol.
I think the recovery depends on your body and how well you eat and take care of it..my sister had a c section its only took her a few weeks to get better and I to want a c section I can't bother with the tearing all that stuff that comes with a vaginal birth.
A friend of mine had an emergency c section, two natural births, and another emergency section. The naturals were easier for her to recover from. Besides, your next baby will probably come easier because your body already knows what to do.
I've had both...if u have older kids ((like I do)) ur not supposted to pick the up after a c-section. My first child was vaginal 2nd was emergancy c-section. I heald about the same. I hated havin stiches after vaginal because u have to be sure to keep them clean after u potty. After c-section u clean them n shower. Ur belly is sore for a few days after c section and on the left side of my stomach I do not have feeling nemore...but they both have ups and down. Good luck c: