Question about Pregnancy after a Misscarrige

edited March 2011 in Getting pregnant
Ok, well my sister in law (hubbys sis) had a misscarrige about two months ago. She hasn't had ANY kind if protection and thinks she might be pregnant she took a pregnancy test last week I believe and came out negative, but has been having some abdominal pain (has happened wh both her pregnancys) and feeling extreamly sleepy. I keep telling her to go to the doctor and get checked, but she is scared my question is WHAT IS THE POSSABILITY SHE MIGHT HAVE ANOTHER MISSCARRIGE OR HER ACTUALLY GETTING TO FULL TERM IF SHE IS PREGNANT, & CAN SHE BE PREGNANT SO SOON AFTER A MISSCARRIGE?


  • I've known several women who've gotten pregnant within a month or 2 after a miscarriage, its actually pretty common.
  • oh and they had very healthy pregnancies after the miscarriages too. hth
  • @OregonMamma,She was on the depo shot when she got pregnant, she thinks that's what caused the misscarrige. The doctors didn't know why she did tho. Or maybe they did just didn't want to tell her.
    @MommyRN, I've been telling her to go to the doc but she just doesn't want to. I just want her to be ok and nothing bad happen to her & the baby if she is.. :(
  • She really should go to the dr. Especially if she's having abdominal is very possible to have a healthy pregnancy after a miscarrage. I miscarried in the beginning of october and now a healthy 14 wks...good luck w/ sis in law
  • I got pregnant one month after my miscarriage. Im now 15 weeks along and praying everyday that everything keeps going good
  • Agree, any pain is the body's way of trying to tell you something. And heaven forbid if there is anything wrong with your SIL she should find out ASAP. Better to be safe then sorry.
  • If she is on no birth control she might just has some hormone changes and will have a little more cramping and bleeding than before.
  • Yeah I mc halfway through June and got preg again in august and am now due in may! Best of luck to her..
  • Thanks girls, I'm going to keep pushing her to call her doc.
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