
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
How do u feel about godparents?


  • I dnt ever want to be a godmother..the responsibilty is more than just saying oh thats my godson or goddaughter..wen choosing godparents make sure the person is responsible etc..not just caz its cute
  • I don't know who i would have raise my baby. I don't have anyone in my life who would raise them like me. :(
  • We're not Catholic but I like the idea of having someone who agrees to care for the child if something were to happen to us. Question is...how far into the pregnancy before I broach the topic? We already know who we're going to ask.
  • My daughter has godparents, but they're to help her with spiritual growth, not to care for her if something happened to us. We have ppl listed in our will who will care for her in tgat situation. You should have someone as a primary and someone as a secondary.
  • I have only one sister and I trust her with my life and my unborn child's life. I am the godmother to my niece and will be there for her in a heartbeat so my sister will def be my child's godmother I know she will be there she's also going to be in the delivery room.
  • Im a godmother n I love my godbaby dearly but I wouldnt go searching for godparents I have had ppl ask me to be my baby godmother already but its not a bad idea u just have 2 choose wisely n make sure they own up to the name not just claim the title :)
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