blighted ovum

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
When we first got pregnant in Aug, my husband and I had been trying for almost a year. We were so excuted.Only to find at 7 weeks 3days that it was a blighted ovum. We were crushed. I was told I would mc, but my body didn't get the memo and it held on to the pregnancy, and to top it off I was still nausea, tired, and peeing frequently. So after two weeks and and second opinion I went on with the dnc. Fast forward to Feb. And were pregnant again, were excited. But at the same time I live my life in constant worry bc of what happened the first time. I hate feeling like this and know it is not of God to worry...I go to doc tomorrow. I pray everything is ok so I can have some relief. Thanks for allowing me to vent!


  • Everything will be fine its quite rare for something like that to happen twice. And u r right, trust in god. Congrats on your blessing....keep us updated
  • Thanks. I have to wonderful blessings already...9 and 5....and I never went had these my my mind races with every ache and pain!
  • I had a blighted ovum last june and I miscarried at 10 wks. I fell pregnant again that august and I understand the way that you feel. The entire time I just "knew" something was wrong and I would freak out at my husband when he would tell me it was all ok. I didn't belive him and I was so.afraid that it was going to happen again. I begged the ob to give me an ultrasound early.that way I would know for sure and thankfully they gave me one. Which came back normal. The ob said it was a " fluke" thing and that its rare to happen twice in a roll. So just enjoy being pregnant again as much as that sounds impossible. Im 32 wks now and everything is.perfect. im sure everything is perfect with you too so good luck and congratulations
  • Thanks so much Kayleigh27...I appreciate it. To have two kids that were healthy, no problem with pregnancy. Got pregnant going to 10 months to get pregnant then blighted ovum. And then four months later get pregnant again has put me close to the edge....but I do appreciate your story. It is a relief to hear someone else that has gone thru this. Good luck to you too your almost there....
  • You're welcome. Yeah when I had the blighted ovum I felt "pregnant" and didn't think anything was wrong so to get pregnant again I was just so sure they were going to tell me bad news. I couldn't even enjoy the whole being pregnant again thing. I didn't even want to talk about the pregnancy. I guess to "protect" myself if something did happen. So yes enjoy being pregnant because I went through my almost half my pregnancy before I could fully calm down
  • I went to the doc today.....and got no relief. I posted another discussion.....
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