
I went to bed early with pains in my hips, it kept changing from my left to my right one. I rate the pain as quite painful as it's making it difficult to sleep. In addition to this while I was sleeping I leaked clear fluid down there that wasn't urine. I haven't had any bleeding and the baby has been moving as normal. Should I be concerned? My next appointment is next Monday and i'm 29 weeks on Wednesday?


  • Its. Possible it could. Be Ur water it never hurts to get tested I leaked for four days before I went to the doctors with my first one and it was my water and my daughter got an infection. From it or it could be just from u beginning to open which can aalso make u wet I wouldn't wait I would get checked
  • Okay I will make an appointment just to be on the safe side. Thanks for replying, I live in the UK and it's the middle of the night! So was quite worried.
  • Its 11pm here in ohio
  • Wow really, it's 4am here in England.
  • Its weird that I have the same exact problem. I thought I was going crazy. I have a ridiculous amount of pressure on my belly button going down to my hips. My siatic (sp?) nerve in my back has also been bothering me. & as for the water, mine definitely isn't pee. This has been my issue for 2 days now, on & off.
  • Sound like some contracting. Braxton hicks. Your body is getting ready for labor. Also could be your mucus plug literally melting away. Mine did with both preg. Wouldn't hurt to get checked just to be sure. But clear or cloudy discharge is often the plug. If the pain is severe or stayes regular then def go in. but sounds like contractions. Drink lots of water and rest
  • I'm 32 weeks, isn't that too early for any of this to be happening? My next appointment is the 19th, so Ill ask tons of questions then. I haven't had an exam other than belly checks since the very beginning.
  • Not at all. You have prob been having contractions for a while. You just didn't know it. Starts as a tight feeling. Like the baby is pushing hard against you. They gradually build. The mucus plug can come out all at once or slowly over time. Some like me lose it early over a few days even a week. Others the day of labor. If your really worried or stuff seems to be flowing and not just extra fluid on your undies check with your doc. But it sounds like your body is just getting ready! And remember 37~38 weeks is considered full term! First pregtrend to be late. But my first was 3 days early..
  • Thank you so much. Its better getting advice from an actual mom, rather than google lol.
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