light pinkish bleeding after sex? im 11 weeks 5 that normal?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Im 11 weeks 5 days and my husband and i just had sex after a week without any.. I had light pinkish bleeding afterwards. Is that normal?


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  • edited March 2011
    Yup... after sex u can bleed a lil bit. If its a lot (enough to fill a pad) and bright red then worry otherwise ur good :)
  • That happened to me when I was around 15 weeks my dr.said its normal to spot like that and you can continue to keep having sex.but you can still get ur drs opinion im now 33 weeks baby is fine.
  • It happend to my friend an they told her no sex for a few weeks and put her on bed rest bc sometimes its not safe for the baby! Even though some say its healthy! If its not a lot no worries!
  • I have an appt. Tomorrow luckily..i hope everything is okay. I had a mc almost two years ago so i have been really nervous
  • I Bleed, like with some small clots even, every time after sex. Did with my last pregnancy too. Its scary, though normal
  • Im 12 weeks 5 days and I had bleeding from sex two days ago with lots of bright red blood, went to er and the baby was moving on the ultrasound lots. I'm still bleeding and cramping a bit, but the dr said it should be ok. so I hope this helps. I'm still worried, but its not good to stress so I'm just going to pray all is well, and I hope all is well for you also
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