Horror Story

edited March 2011 in Birth Stories
This is about when I had my first. I had a horrible pregnancy, but this is just about the delivery. I had to be induced a week early due to preeclampsia. I waited 14 hours without ever dilating. The Dr. decided we needed to do a C-section. As they were making sure I was numb the dr would poke different parts of me and say "Can you feel that?" Sometimes Id say yes, sometimes Id say No. Then he'd say "Well how come you can feel this but not that?" I had no clue. I guess he didn't believe me or something cuz they went ahead with the surgery. Everything was fine until about halfway through. All of a sudden I felt tremendous pain. Worst pain of my life. I started screaming and yelling for help. The Dr. gave me a shot and immediately put me to sleep. My son was born at 1:22 am. They had a hard time waking me up but when I finally came to my mom was the only person there. I said "where did everyone go?" She said "you missed the party, they all went home and went to bed!"


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