Not pregnancy related at all...LONG AND SAD

edited March 2011 in Teen moms
I am 16 and been through tons of crap..But through out the crap I have always been a great sissy to my sissy lol she is 13 and we always communicated well and I have always been theree for her...
Now that I am pregnant and about to pop I feel so gulity that I havent been the best sissy for her...
She understands that I can't be here for her like I use to..I just feel like I have been letting her down...

You see.. At my sissys school there was a boy who commited suicide (sorry for spelling) and he was only 15..
A lot of people knew him and it was NOT expected...
That boy was my sisters boyfriends best friend... Lately the whole school has been stressed out and dealing with drama..
Anyway since this happened another friend of the boy raped one of my sisters friends (IT WAS REPORTED) and she was in the hospital for attempted suicide..
It upset my sister so bad and she didnt want to tell me because of how uspet I would be
(this topic sucks because our mom tried to hurt herself and i have also tried)
when I found out I started crying really bad... I know my sissy felt super horrible all she could do is hug me
I offered to talk to her friend and try to be there

TODAY my sister woke up with a message from her bf saying he wants to hurt himself and he has tried in the past but it was before he met her... My sister has had a hard day and I had to call a crisis line to get her bf help because she was so upset

I am feeling like the worest sister ever
I have tryed talking to her and giving her support and offered to talk with her frieends.

I just can't believe my sissy felt like she could not come to me :(
I offered to set up apts for her and my bro to see a counselor of some sort
My mom says if I call and do that she will take them...

I was wonder is it normal for me to feel so guilty and bad?
I want to go to her school and the high school and do an assembly to inform students of how serious this really is...

because the town has had 1 suicide and 2 attempts within the last month...

WHat do you guys think will help???
any suggestions?
sorry its long I needed a vent...btw i see my counselor tomorrow..looking forward to that..


  • Oh my...I wouldn't even know what to say but that im sorry you and family and friends have to go threw something soo terrible and sad.
    You probably feel guilty and bad cus you don't know what to say or do..almost helpless ..but the best thing to do is talk about it be there support ..and yes even try the counseling..
  • Im an only child so I'm not going to pretend to know anything bout what ur feeling, but I think a lot of the guilt ur feeling is a combination of really loving ur SIS and being close and the bothering instinct starting to kick in. My thoughts and prayers r w u and the entire town/people involved. I hope things start brightening up soon and remember that u r doing everything u can to matter what happens there is no reason for u to feel guilty
  • @beatrice146 @z_mommy_2009
    thanks girlies... I just cant help but to feel bad for her...She is 13 and shouldnt have to deal with this..I tell her and her friends to keep their head up and be strong...I told them its hard... But they cant give up either... It is crazy how many want to end their life because of what a bully said..or what someone did... :(
    they are barely teens and have ALOT to live for.. I really am going to go in to the school and see what I can do..maybe not right now because I am pregnant and only 16 and I dont need to give them the impression thats okay either...But I really want them to know they do have reasons to keep know??
    but thanks for showing you care
  • Yeah I know..believe me I care I read this once but I really don't know what to say..but decided to write ..and they do have alot to live for and I think its terrible that people think its ok to push someone around find it fun to hurts someone feeling ..but those bullies are the ones that are not happy w/themselves and have bring others down to make them feel better
  • @beatrice1436 I really hope the school will let me put something together to help... I know alot about this and lines to call...people that can help... I know how serious it is..
    Things are going crazy at the middle school its like mean girls all over.. but real!
  • I@know I see it on the news..where do u live? I n vegas and a few months ago people wore purple to show there against bullies..
  • edited March 2011
    Its been happening in battle ground Washington... we been staying in Vancouver Washington 15 min away @beatrice1436
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