I HAD MY BABY (warning very looooooong pregnancy story)

edited March 2011 in Birth Stories
I am so happy I gave birth on feb. 28 @ 11:53pm to my son malachi. The pregnancy seemed like 4ever but it was worth it. I was contracting really bad but when I went to the hospital I was only 2cm n they sent me home. However as soon as I got back in the house the contractions were 10× worse and I couldn't bear staying home all alone going through it. I went back 2hrs later (7am). The contractions were horrible but the midwife helped me dialate more by using her fingers 2 widen my vagina (very uncomfortable) but once I was 3cm I was admitted n @ 4cm I could receive epidural. I was not taking the pain well @ all I was yelling n screaming n the nurses were ignoring me. My baby dad came n when my best friend came, he left saying he would b right back n was gone 4 6hrs...the most painful 6hrs ever...the 6hrs that I needed him. When he should've been holding my hand, my bestie was instead :-(...smh that shoudlve been a sign. Anyway they had 2 break my water 4 me n I wasn't progressing so I ended up having a c-section. I immediately lost all my pregnancy weight. The baby was 7lbs 13oz n healthy but still in NICU bcuz I had high blood pressure n fever during delivery. Since then my babydad n I been trying 2 work things out but he had the nerve 2 ask 4 a dna test bcuz the baby is chunky n we aren't (wtf). And he hasn't seen the baby except @ me its the greatest feeling, n when he smiles it melts my heart. The 1st week was the hardest (post pardom) but now I coped with it. THIS WAS MY PREGNANCY STORY. So long ladies and good luck n safe delivery.


  • Omg hun, congrats to you on your wonderful little bundle of joy!!! Im glad you at least had your friend there to help you! As for the bd I would get a dna test just to prove his ass wrong and then hit him with the child support papers!! Your son needs him to help too, and if he wont do it himself, the state will make him!! :) congrats again hun!
  • Congratulations!!!!!
  • Congratulations! Like @mommyoftwoprincess said go ahead with the test n make him o pay for it. Then get child support. U all don't have to be together
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