
edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Ok according to my lmp (Dec 14) I am 7 wks and I was wondering if itll hurt my baby if my cat kneads and lays on my belly..he's 10lbs..n actually that's how I found out I was preggo..he won't leave me alone..??


  • No girl,youre fine. My cat lays on me all the time. He looks so confused when my babe starts kicking around. Lol! Just stay away from the litter box. Let someone else clean it. You can get something something called toxemia n it's not fun.
  • Ok thanks bunches..he's laying on me rite now..haha. n ya I've heard its dangerous..getting my husband to clean it is like pulling teeth tho..he still has yet to clean it and its been almost 2 months!! Its driving me crazy
  • Isn't that weird?! I have 4 cats (1 inside 3 outside)
    My boyfriend has 2 cats. NONE of them will leave me alone! And before they never cared too much about me before... I wonder if they smell/sense the hormones??

    It was so funny actually I went in my garage and all 3 came up meowing and rubbing on my legs... my sister doesn't know I'm pregnant yet and was like wtf?? o_O
  • If you HAVE to change the litterboox u will be ok if u wear gloves and wash your hands very well afterwards.
  • *just letting you girls know I'm jealous of your snuggly cats. I can't have them in my apt. :(
    lol purring is such a soothing sound.
    PS. I feel like a wicked creep for typing this haha
  • It's fine to change the litterbox just wash your hands...hell I couldn't pay my hubby to change the litterbox.
  • Yeah I still have to change my cats too I just wear gloves & wash my hands. If your cat is an indoor cat the likelihood of it carrying toxemia is pretty remote but better safe than sorry.
  • Fyi if your're someone who does gardening outside you have to wear gloves too when pregnant. Outside animals for example cats carrying toxemia can be using your garden as their little box.
  • Thanks for the help girls I appreciate it!! :) I love my kitty..=]
  • When I'm pregnant that's the only time my husband will clean it. As far as he's concerned I can NEVER clean it while pregnant. Its a nice break. :)
  • Lol my hubby is the same way....he sneak our 7 yr old a dollar for him to attempt the chore
  • My cats were the same way before I discovered I was pregnant each time. That should be a sign lol.
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