weight lost.... YAY

for all my lovely pregly moms and moms to be who have helped me through my hesitance of ttc with PCOS, and the dreadful carbs... I wanted to let everyone know. Saturday I started my low carb diet. I am not completly depriving my self of carbs, but I did the math.. I am a serious, soda drinker. Mt. dew to be precise. for a 12 oz can, there is 170 cals, 0 fat, 46g of sugar and 46g of carbs. I did drink between 6 and 12 cans aday, not to mention the occasional 20oz from the store when im out and about... so heres the math for 6 cans daily... i took in.... 1020 cals, 276g of sugar and 276 g of carbs.. for 12 cans daily it was 2040 cals, 552g of sugar, and 552 g of carbs... I also started cutting back on all sweets and watching the portions that im eating. I have a slow metablisim, so i need to eat 6 small meals aday to keep my metabalism going. but so far from sat to thur I have already lost 5 lbs!!! whoop whoop! keep this going and ill be one hot mama... once i loose the weight and successfully concieve.. lol.. thankyou for all the support.. and if any one knows any other weightloss tricks im open for suggestions!!!


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  • Oh my gosh I am soooo very proud of you! Way to go! Amazing how little changes make such a big difference. I remember the weight just fell off for me like that too. People who don't understand our diagnosis were always saying I was losing too much too fast but my dr said with my situation it was not too fast, just showing my body wanted to live that way! So, keep up the good work, don't stress, and lose it baby :) haha! As long as you get pleenty of "good calories" you are going to see long term, healthy changes. Oh my gosh I am truly truly excited for you right now :) keep me updated!! WhooHoo! YAY!
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