feeling bad for being pregnant again :'(

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I feel so bad for my son 'Jaden' bc hes such a mommys boy...hes 2.5yrs old and he hasnt ever been away from me with a babysitter or anything,like seriously the most time we have spent away from each other is him riding with his daddy to the grocery store or sumthin...hes my titty baby i nursed him for 18months so we have a very strong bond.
I really want this baby,i have waited for this for a long time now, im having a girl (23wks pregnant),my first child was stillborn(girl)..so Jaden was my Rainbow baby and hes very special to me.I just feel horrible that im going to have another baby and its going to change our routine and play time,i dont want to take any attention from him and i really dont want it to affect our relationship.He is so lovey with other babies i think hes going to be a great big brother!! I have been crying alot just thinking about him feeling left out or hurt by me showing love to another baby...its possibly just hormones but i needed to talk about it :)


  • I'm sure he will understand and hell love his little sister sooo much: ) good luck hunn
  • I have been feeling guilty bc we planned our girls so close together. They will be 14 mo apart. My 1st wasn't even 6 mo when we started trying for this one. She has changed a lot just since her birthday at the end of feb. I have been feeling like she should have gotten more alone time with me and my husband. We had them so close bc we wanted them to grow up together and career wise this was the only time to have another for a while if we still want time for a 3rd. My daughter is Very close to her dad so I am hoping that this one will be closer to me so neither of them have to give up who they are closest to
  • I feel the exact same way! I have a little girl the same age, & she's my sunshine. We are the best of friends & I feel bad all of the time about it. I'm going to get her as involved as I can in this pregnancy & with the baby.
  • I'm with you here, too... I'm just trying to get my little girl excited about her little sister & keep her involved; I already told her she'll get to pick out her sisters' outfits every day & that's helped a lot... we also joke about her changing the baby's diapers... but she knows that's a joke, lol... she'll be 3 in May & verrrry much a Mommy's girl. :)
  • Aww my son is my sunshine too :) i sing that song to him every morning and when hes sad or mad he loves it :D
    Hes very lovey with my belly,he notices it growing but he doesnt get that theres a baby in there thats going to come out and live with us,but he will pull up my shirt all the time and rub my belly,kiss it,and yell at it lol hes so funny! I wish he would be attached to his daddy a lil bit but he always has to have mommy..my problem right now is trying to break him from wanting me to carry him,that and when he falls asleep in the car and i have to carry him around while he sleeps i cant do this stuff when i have his sissy :(..good luck to all of you!! I really hope everything turns out better than we would expect.
  • I kinda feel that way. I feel bad because our van only has 2 seats in the middle and since I already have a 1 and 2 year old. I am going to have to put the 2 yr old all the way in the back when the baby comes.
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