
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Is anyone not finding out the sex of their baby to be surprised at delivery? We also picked out names, which we r keeping as a surprise for everyone. It's hard not to tell anyone the names & I'm already wanting to know the sex. I'm 16 weeks 3 days.


  • We didn't find out with our first & it was awesome! It was a great surprise either way! Plus, not knowing what we were having forced us to buy all gender-neutral baby gear which works over & over no matter how many kids you have. :)
  • Were keeping it a surprise, same with the names! I can't wait to hear the dr say its a girl or boy as they hand me my baby for the first time. Its just icing on the cake for me. Ill also be buying all gender neutral items it will make it easier for when we have a second baby some where later down the road lol
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