2nd c section..is it worse than tge first??

edited March 2011 in Second pregnancy
So I heard some positive nd negative stories about 2nd c sections...those who have had this is it more painful or is it easier?? I'm a little nervous but can manage I jst want to know how u felt nd how was ur experience..thanks for reading nd thanks for ur comments/ stories


  • I havent experienced it myself but my mom tells me to try to always get c sections lol she has really good comments on them and she had 3 done and 2 natural so who knows :)
  • My first csection was awful, it was an emergency and was very messy. The healing was horrible. My 2nd was so much better! Hardly and pain, no physical trauma, I was sitting up within a few hours and walking with 12-15 hrs. I was sore when urinating but within 2-3 days I was 90% me with a wk I was great! The 2nd is much better
  • @singlemomsoontobe3.
    That's great to hear... had 2 natural one emergency c section and it was scary bad.... on my fourth and thinking it will be a c section hope its better this time around took me so long to get on my feet last time...
  • Do u have to have a c section cause u had one wit da first baby. I really wanna push dis baby out if I can???
  • My sister had three. Said they were all about the same. You just knew what to expect for the next.
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  • @homebirthadvocate thanks cause I'm so looking forward to pushing dis baby out.
  • I know the hospital I'm delivering at is making me have a repeat c section.only because they will not start potcin if you had a prior c section. The only way I can have a vbac is if I go into labor on my own. So I've been trying to get labor started but nothing. I have a c section on April 18th.
  • Thanks everyone with my first my water broke nd everything got to 4cm nd I jst wasn't progressing..come to find out my son was big nd wasn't moving dwn he was 10.3 so it wasnt scary or messy or a really big emergency it was jst easier for my body to have the c section.. with this one my doc told me I'm having a scheduled c section which I'm fine with me. I go April 29th but jst wasn't sure to expect worse..same..or easier.. with my son I felt great after 2wks but in some ways this pregnancy has been way more painful on my body then my first, like my hips nd pelvic so thts y I figured my recovery would be worse than before...does ur pelvic pain go away right away after birth or does tht take time too..cause I can barely get out of bed now lol
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