just for fun. how did everyone start their labors?

edited March 2011 in Birth Stories
Did you go into labor natural, induced? Or try your own ways of getting baby out. I'm just curious on how labor started for everyone.


  • Mine started w/thinking had to go to the bathroom ..but the whole time I was pushing him out! Didn't wanna go to the hospital because my water didn't break so like I seen on tv I didn't want them sending me back home. Well bleed a little so went..was 9cm he was out in no time..and yes it was natural :)
    no time for drugs.
  • Omg @Beatrice1436 I wish everyone had that experience! :) I was induced. I had back labor so I had an epidural after 12 hours, it took 8 more hours but she was out! At the end I requested my epidural to be shut off which was nice because she was born within 37 minutes of pushing!! :) I was overdue, so I was determined to get her out! Lol. Honestly, I might be weird but I didn't think pushing hurt at all! It actually felt good because it made all the pressure from her head and pain from contractions go away! :D
  • edited March 2011
    @KayleeAndAmaiyasmommy I hope my next deliver will b like that..yes the pushing wasn't hard..the nurse said push like like your going poop! And bam he was out its the contractions that a pain in the !!! And sitting in the wheelchair and able to feel every bump n the floor@ the hospital!
  • Those are good stories. I have 2 boys and both were so different. The 1st one I was 3 days past dd and my dr stripped the membrane. Then that day I went and walked around the mall and started leaking. I didn't really think about it then. We left the mall and went to wash my moms car. I was still leaking. Then we went back to my place and my mom left to give someone a ride. I called ld and told them I thought my water broke and they said to come in. So I called my mom back and we went to ld. I went in around 11am and then had him at 12:52 am. I had epidural and was almost asleep when he arived. And I only pushed 2 or 3 times.
  • My 2nd I had induced. It lasted only 7 hours and I felt it when I pushed and was more awake. I had the epidural with him also. And only pushed 2 to 3 times. I hope this next one is just as easy.
  • My last labor was self induced with Castro oil. (super yuck) I was 2 weeks over due and was beyond ready to deliver. I made a vanilla shake and added the tablespoon of Castro oil.. blended it then added rootbeer and downed that sucker QUICK... 2 HOURS later my contractions were 3 mins apart and kicking my ass. Baby was here 4 hours later.

    Please note.... I puked my brains out at the hospital and had the runs... Castro oil is no joke!
  • Woke up at 1am with a contraction but remembered what my doula had said, sleep if u can and let ur bf rest ull need him more later and he won't get extra hormones like u will to keep him up for hours. He woke up at 7, told him I was in labor but was going to try to sleep more. All the while since 1am, woke up with mild contraction every 30 min. He woke me up @930 and said he was going crazy waiting for me to get up! We labored at home all day and it was one of most wonderful memorable days we have had together. Shower, walked outside, ate, massage, timing contractions, kissing and talking. At 630 water broke, holy crap, baby is coming now, rush to hospital, 10cm, baby girl at 830. Greatest day of my life :)
  • edited March 2011
    I was supposed to be induced the 5th, my due date was the 1st. I woke up at 2a.m. With contractions. On my due date :) I walked the hall thinking that it was braxton hicks. By 4 I made mom get up and take me to the hospital. I was 3cm dialated when we got there. I had to have a bunch of fluid before an epi so I was swollen like crazy. I had all back labor. My epi didn't work (i felt everything). My bp and sugar bottomed out and I passed out. They gave me pitocin. Twice. 14 hours later I was pushing at 8.5 cm. then my daughter finally made her entrance... After I was cut... Twice... Safe to say I hope l&d go better this time :)
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