k umm idk ?? tmi

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
Umm my bf and I had sex around 230 today
not even 10 min after words I had a small contraction
so I decided to take a shower
once I got in I had a really painful contraction that made me go down on all fours and lasted for 30 sec maybe... I went on with my shower and had another contraction before I got out that wasn't as painful outlasted awhile
im unsure if my water broke or if I just peed.. (I was in the shower) it was small amounts and happened twice...
After the shower I keep having small contractions that aren't regular but painful.. not unbearable but really ouchy :/

U know how ur back gets cramps and hurt before ur period starts im having alot of that going on
is that considered contractions??

Remember I am 36 wks already 2cm dilated and 70-75% effaced (sp)
Doc said anyday I can deliver and that was yesterday lol

But is this early labor? Or body just getting prepared? Im confused


  • What happen?
  • ??? Details???
  • Sort my phone is acting up hold on :(
  • Yes contractions are like period cramps...but obviously way way way worse..how far apart are they?
  • Yes you can have the baby at anytime now..if the contractions are close and of u bleed at all go to the drs!
  • Usually braxton hicks aren't painful, keep timing them, once they hit every 5 minutes I believe call your ob and head in, you are probably in labor. But what do I know im in my first trimester with my first kid going by what I read in my baby book
  • I keep having horrible back cramps just about every 10-15 minutes
  • How long has been since ..2:30?
  • Its now 5:36 its mostly my back cramping up ALOT and every now and then it my front when that happens I stop what im doing :/
  • Some people get back labor. Those could def be labor pains but they r pretty far apart
  • Past experience ur n early labor but when it gets to 5mins apart call the doctor

  • @lilliebug My doc said since im 36 wks she would prefer if I went in when they get 8-10 min apart
  • Any time :) try laing down and drinking water, sounds a lot like labor! If they don't stop with rest and water... Congrats! Your baby souls be here within the next 24 hours : D
  • They walk around when ir having contractions ...but heck no O was having it..it still hurt..and it was all n my back!
  • Oh man I can't yet lol I have a baby shower Sunday :(
  • @beatrice1436 so far it's been in my back and its not nice lol
  • Oh poo :/ well it will be a welcome to the world party as well in that case! :)
  • Yea it was all n my back i took a bath..but i did stuff i wasnt suppose to do..but i didnt know.
  • @sunshinelove yupp in that case it might be fun with him there :)
    @beatrice1436 idk im just dribkin water and trying to stay distracted
  • If you think your water broke you should call your doc asap. Usually, they want you to go on to the hospital because of the risk of infection. Even if you aren't sure, that way they can check you to see what is really going on.
  • Speaking of all that, any changes? You in the hospital yet? Keep us updated! :)
  • I know was checking in to see...whats going on!??
  • Not yet still 10-15 min apart not much is happening still painful :/ I kinda wish they would decided to speed up or just stop
  • If you think your water might broke you should go in because they want the baby out by the 24h mark they can give you something to speed it up. It's just hard to tell if your water broke or not since you were in the shower but see it from that side if you go in now you might get more rest than at home.
  • Are you still leaking here and there hun? Most of the time after your water breaks you will keep leaking here and there or gushes. I've had back labor, that's what it sounds like. If you walk, do they slow down or ease up? That's a sign of false labor, but since they have been happening since 2:30, id say its real. Once they get 8-10 minutes apart id call l&d or your doctor and let them know you are on your way :) make sure your bag is ready and packed! Don't forget cell phone chargers, batteries, camera, or the carseat! :) keep us updated!!!
  • You can also hold the squatting position for 3 minutes every half an hour, that may speed up your contractions :) or rock on a yoga ball if you have one.
  • Whats going on? Have got to the hospital yet?
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