I agree with @jenn_929. I have always heard that pumping could induce labor. I would just wear the pads until the baby comes. Definitely ask your doctor before trying to pump. Good luck.
Not a doctor but lots of exsperience in this dept. Leave the alone and get some good breast pads. I leaked a lot before both my daughters were born. Very normal and a good sign.
Do not pump, it can induse labor! I started leaking at 20 weeks when my sister adoped her son and I heard him crying I was soaked from my neck to my waist. You will not run out, your body makes milk on a supply and demand after the babies born! If you want there are these things I think are called milkies. You wear them and they collect leaking milk. Then you can freeze that milk. Here's the webpage. http://shop.thebabystoreplus.com/searchquick-submit.sc?keywords=milkies