bio oil for stretch marks?!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Hey I was wondering if any of you have used bio oil before showing and never got stretch marks?


  • Haven't tried bio oil but I did use a really thick glycerine based cream and a fun message oil. That work until now. I'm 39 w 4 days. Just started to get stretch marks a week and a half ago. I think we are doomed for stretch marks.
  • I was using coco butter for awhile, n then stopped cuz I didn't really have ne stretch marks, but now OMG! My whole stomach is a stretch mark - no joke! Its horable, iv started using coco butter again, but iv noticed its made me REALLY itchy, like I'm talking I get a horiffic rash and all red when I use it. So last night I started using aloe, to sooth my redness, and it work. But idk what to use to make them "less visable" if that's possible..
  • I just started using it yesterday I'm 17 weeks and my stomach itches and even though I am a BBW I never have had a stretch mark problem....hope to keep them to a minimal
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