working after pregnancy (how soon is 2 soon?)

edited January 2011 in Parenting
A lot of moms were working b4 they got pregnant and some havent. Either way after the pregnancy (unless rich) then the mom needs a job 2 support her bundle of joy. Mothers get 2 go on work leave 4 maybe a mth or 2 n den have 2 strt working again. Do u think its a gd idea 2 work that soon? Keep in mind that the child is a newborn n either u wud leave him/her around a stranger,babysitter,or family member. Do u think u should trust ur child wit them? Just 4 the sake of working? Desperate times call 4 desperate measures right? But don't studies show that the child has 2 grow attached 2 its mom n wnt no1 but the mom in the early mnths N u shud always b around? Would it b neglect if ur not there as much? When is the right time 2 distance urself 4 the sake of working?


  • My oldest was about 10 weeks when I went back to work.luckily at the time my husband worked for the airlines and had 2 days off during the week so she was only with the sitter 3 days. We never did daycare...we found a SAHM mom in our community who took her
  • 2 n a half mnths. wasn't it scary trusting a sitter? And what is a SAHM mom? "Something at home mom" lol.
  • SAHM is stay at home mom
  • I get 6wks maternity leave. It seems like so long now..but everyones tellin me that once my baby is here it will go by so quick
  • I worked full time before I had my son. I had full intentions of going back full time after I took 3 months off. When the time came to put my son in daycare I broke down and couldn't do it! We decided what I would spend on daycare care to be away from my son just wasnt with it. I took a step down at work and only went back part time. 2 1/2 days a week. Even that was hard. I took him to a friend house one day during the week and my husband had him the weekend. Granted the loss of pay is hard but I see it as im paying to be with my son. There's no amount I wouldn't give to spend time with him. However, some people don't have that option. Its not neglect if your doing what you have to do to take care of your family. That's just being a responsible parent. Good luck to you all.
  • I'm very lucky. My mom is going to stay home with my baby, probably for the first year. But I dont have paid maternity leave, no short term disability pay, and a 40 hour cap on my vacation time. So I will probably have to go back to work, at least part time, after 3 weeks.
  • Where do you live? Here its a minimum of 6 weeks off......
  • I'm lucky enough I wont have to work. My fiance is in the military. But I do wanna go back to work bc I don't wanna make my husband feel like he has to take care of everything. Luckily my mom lives in the same town and will watch my son for me. But I know being away from him is gonna be hard. I don't think its neglect to go back. You gotta do what you gotta do. Just look into any daycare or person who watches your kid people are crazy nowadays.
  • My job is t forcing me back to work after 3 weeks, my rent will be. I'm pretty sure 6 weeks is the standard here in VA, too. But if I'm broke... ill go to work. However, if any of you ladies have Verizon wireless or want it between now and September, you should totally go to the Reston town center store and ask for Freddy. Cause if he makes a lot of money, I can stay home longer! Lol
  • I am due in Sept/Oct (haven't been to dr yet so I don't know my due date) and I am hoping to stay out of work the rest of that year. My bosses are generally pretty cool so hopefully I can just go back to work in 2012.
  • @Jwigs I know how that is. When I saw my doctor he said I would go into labor within 3 days of my appt because I was already 3cm & 75% effaced & it was my 2nd child. I worked an hour away from home & an hour n a half from the hospital. He put me on maternity leave & my water didn't break for another 12 days. The company I worked for only offers paid leave to managers so I was s.o.l. & had to go back when my son was only 2 weeks. It sucked because I still got behind on my bills & my truck ended up getting repossed because I couldn't catch up on my payments. There's never a right time to go back to work, just whatever's right for you. When I had my daughter I was out of work for 5 months but circumstances change & sadly sometimes you have to do what you don't want to do.
  • Damn, that sucks about your car. I'm glad it all worked out in the end, though. I know I just have to hold on to my ever positive attitude, work hard, and have faith. What more can you do in this life?
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