Morning Sickness..

edited January 2011 in First Trimester
Has finally hit at 8 weeks.
I thought I'd be one of the lucky ones. Seeing as how I can literally count the amount of times I've thrown up since about the age of four. And that's four times. Only once from being sick. I guess tonight makes five times. I stopped it midway through, I don't handle throwing up well. :p I'm hoping it was a one time deal. I don't know how one can handle that!
When did you start the sickness? And how long has it lasted?


  • I started at 6 weeks and its gotten worse lol I'm 8 weeks and 2 days now abd the little one especially makes me sick when i try to lay down and sleep not to mention i feel sick for 90% of the rest of the day lol but I'm thankful i dont throw up lol
  • I wasen't even feeling a tinge of nausea until day or so ago. I can't stop sleeping. I can't eat without feeling even more sick. It just started and I'm definantly ready for it to be gone. :p
  • I started at mayb 7weeks till 16 I know its a long time im not sure y it took so long.
  • @kitshay I started at eight weeks as well and still have it And I'm now 18 weeks. Some days I feel I am in there all day. I hope we all start feeling better soon. :)
  • Oh goodness, that's not reassuring news. :p
  • I had really bad morning sickness with my 1st, was put on an IV and bed rest. Stay hydrated and try to eat small amounts all the time, even in bed if needed. Sucking on a lemon helped a little and so does having a sour candy. I'm 7 wks and today has been my worst so far. Just like car sickness.
  • Try ginger tea. I read ginger ale won't work bc there is not enough true ginger in it. Good luck...mine had not subsided by 14 weeks so I got a rx for zofran

    Good luck ladies.
  • I had morning sickness from 7 weeks... It's decreased alot but I still get sick occasionally and I am in my 18th week. A tip my nurse gave me to help is to buy fruit rollups and place a strip if it on your tongue and just suck on it. I have tried it and it helped me. Wish I had tried it with my first 2 pregnancies.
  • I'm sick all the time I eat and 20 minutes later I throw it up even got to the point I'm afraid to eat now.....
  • I'm sick all the time, too. My constant nausea has increased to throwing up and dry heaving at 8 weeks. I'm starting the dry diet, and it kind of helps. I mean, it helps a lot when I actually follow it.
  • Mine started at about 6 weeks and is still in full swing at 11 weeks. I always throw up my breakfast, and sometimes my dinner. Lunch is usually ok though. I feel sick from when I wake up until about 11:30 in the morning, and it starts again around 4:30 in the afternoon. I hope it stops soon, but I'm scared that I'll be one of those that's sick the whole time :(
  • With my first, it started around 8 weeks and lasted until about 15 weeks. Morning sickness is what clued me in on the second...around 6 weeks. Eat a lot of small meals as often as you can...I know it sounds strange, but the slimfast shakes help me get quick protein so I can manage to eat something solid more easily. I actually use the Walmart Equate brand. Lemonade works too. Someone told me to try Jolly Ranchers...I haven't done that yet.
  • Morning sickness for me started at about 5 weeks, I'm in my eighth week now and its still here... I wake up and feel so sick I can't eat! Doc says to eat small meals often but that just makes me feel worse, mine lasts from when I wake up until about 4pm. Then it goes away somewhat... depending on what I eat. Nothing I found yet works, doc gave me rx for phenergan but I'm too afraid to take it. I don't want to expose our little bean to anything like that so I choose to suffer.
  • A nurse at my dr's office told me to tear off a strip of a fruit rollup and put it on your tongue and just suck on would help decrease the nausea. I tried it and it helped me.
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