Gender Ultrasound Mistakes

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I had my gender ultrasound scheduled on 3/4 but the baby had it's legs crossed and was not letting us look. I went back on 3/14 and we still couldn't get a good shot, but the ultrasound tech's best guess was a boy, but we also never got a shot of the boy parts.

I have a feeling that I shouldn't go all out on boy items. I have continued to shop gender neutral. I don't know if this feeling comes from not trusting the ultrasound since we couldn't get a good shot that it was a boy or if it is instinct that I am having a girl.

I am curious to know if anyone has stories about their scans being wrong about the gender... Is it just as common to be told you are having a boy and actually have a girl as it is vice versa?


  • I had my ultrasound today an in every ultrasound tht I have had the legs were crossed an she wouldn't let us see.. but we got to see today after 30 minutes of trying... I would wait for another ultrasound before going all out on boy stuff u would hate to get all boy stuff an then at the hospital u get a girl... lol good luck
  • Lol. We just continue to wait and buy gender neutral things still. We have decided that we would much rather be told we are having a boy and give birth to a girl because at least she can still wear the blue with little bows or something compared to being told we are having a girl and give birth to a boy. Lol.
  • How far along r u do u get another ultrasound
  • I am 23 weeks. I am not sure if I will get another ultrasound. I'm thinking I will, but not just for gender.
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