Curious about this and idk where else to ask?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ive heard oral sex is bad because air can go in there and cause brain damage but what about fingering is it bad? Sorry but curious to know in case the day ever comes that sex doesnt totally gross me out.


  • Iv neva heard nething bout oral sex being bad . nd as for fingering its safe cause there fingers cant reach all the way up to wear the bby is .
  • Oral sex is not bad for that reason, it is only bad if it is unprotected and with someone your not in a steady faithful relationship with because you can contract std's. It is bad if there is air blown into you vagina however I have never heard of anyone doing this. As far as being fingered more air makes its way in during sex than being fingered and if oral is done properly there should be no air. So oral, being fingered and sex are all safe when you practice safe sex and are responsible.
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  • I agree w first time mommy. Its only bad if he would actually blow into u...which is weird..but fingers are ok as long as they are clean :D
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