morning sickness

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
This morning sickness is driving me nuts. Any tips on making it better?


  • I never had morning sickness, but I have had some women to tell me that if you eat a couple of saltine crackers before you get out of bed that it will help:)
  • Peppermint or spearmint water
  • Pop bc of carbination
  • Omg I need help I just came home from work early because off morning sicknes and just eat some saltine crackers and they do work..
  • Thanks ladies. I'll try the crackers. Hope it works.
  • Saltines. I used to be the type that had to wait before I ate in the morning now as soon as I open my eyes I need to pop some saltines in my mouth. You should definitely keep them on your joke!
  • Saltines, pretzels, lots of water. Try not to let yourself get too hungry, hunger makes it worse. If it's interfering with work, ask your dr for meds. Zofran is nondrowsy and the only thing that really stopped mine.
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