I feel horrible

I have an ultrasound on Monday just to checkcheck baby and make sure he's growing. Ill be just about 8wks. Well my mother in law, sister in law, grandma in law & hubby all want to go. Its sweet but at the same time my bff juuuuuust miscarried and I'm scared still. Like IF the baby hasn't grown and I miscarry, they'd all be there. Am I wrong to wanna go alone... or just hubby?


  • Oh my goodness! No, you are not wrong to want to go alone or just with your hubby! Wow, that is pretty invasive for them to all want to go, that kind of shocks me. This might be a long ride for you with overbearing in-laws! Yikes! I think it might be nice to have your hubby there though....good or bad news you'll have him by your side. I kind of feel like this should be a personal family experience though, meaning you & hubby. Just my opinion...give them the boot! Would hope they would understand :)
  • Hahaha noooot that easy. I love my inlaws but they don't know boundaries
  • Whenever I have had us they only let one person in the room anyway. Maybe you should check. Also some places might give mommy the option and they will say no. Its something to look into. I've only had my husband in the room. My mom came for. One but that's it.
  • You shouldn't feel horrible at all hun! For one, it will be a vaginal ultrasound, I don't know you, but I personally would not be comfortable with anyone but my husband in there for that one. Two, some places wont allow that many people in the room, especially at early ultrasounds because of that reason. The 20 week anatomy scan is different, ask them if they can come with you to that one, then you can all see baby very developed and find out the sex together if you choose to do so. I would just sit down with them and your hubby and you two explain your concerns, they should understand. Make a compromise and ask them to come to the anatomy scan. :D
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