Weird cravings that top the charts!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
What is your craving that you know you would never eat if you werent prego?!


  • Frenchfries and strawberry starbursts
  • Vanilla ice cream with dill pickles. Popcorn on my ham sandwich.
  • This past christmas my family members decided if you are pregnant you cant cook for the holidays. Said our taste buds arent the same. And some of the ideas I came up with, I got comments lik: you think that goes together? Lol
  • I like chocolate milk and pickle juice >.< my husband caught me in the fridge with the pickle juice in one hand and the milk in the other!
  • @myasmommy2009 yeah that is weird,lol. I dont think I would like to try that. With my middle child I liked to wash clothes a sit there and smell the bleach and soap powder.
  • Sour pickles w/lucas dipped in chocolate pudding ;)
  • I think I might have pica, I find myself freezing drinks halfway (slush) just for the ice wether flavored or not. And also stuck on corn products.
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