People you can't stand :/

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Lol so everyone told me "its going to be one person who pisses you off when your pregnant" I'm like no cause usually I'm a super nice person. But they were right. This guy I work with makes me want to karate chop him in the neck. Before I got pregnant I was fine with him. Now literally every lil thing he does makes me want to hurt him. Lol its crazy. I feel that way about some other people but believe me his is # 1. Lol
Any of you mommies feel the same or am I just being super rude to this guy.


  • I'm the same way. It's my husband that is bugging the bell out of me, but he isn't acting any different. I think its the hormones because every little thing he does annoys me.
  • One of my daughters friends and her mom drive me bonkers and it has gotten way worse since becoming pregnant.
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  • My step mom. She gets on my damn nerves. She's always trying to tell me things that I don't wanna hear nor did I ask her for her opinion or advice. She urks me sooo bad! lol.
  • @kingsmom u're not being rude I believe (in my case anyway) pregnancy makes u have zero tolerence for stupidity... things that wouldn't have bothered u b4 bothers u now almost all my coworkers get on my nerves I can't wait to go on maternity leave 5more wks!!!
  • Lol I'm the same way but its my boyfriend lol but I heard who ever gets under ur skin the most the bby looks like them..I'm not sure of its jst family or how tht wrks but when I was pg with my son my boyfriend was a pain in my neck nd well my son is his twin literally I was jst a incubator lol nd now I'm pg with my daughter but it seems to me tht my sis nd step mom irritate me so this should be interesting lol nd I'm having my c section in 5wks :-ss
  • haha i have my days with pretty much everyone but my umber 1 is my fiance oh my lord i can not stand dat man even just waking up to him makes me want to bash his head in; it was rlly bad in da beginning now its a lil better but he is number one on my poop list for lack of a better word!
  • nope my mom has stricken my last nerve and i plan on not even letting her in the delivery room! shes really the last person i want to talk to and its pretty sad i mean thats my mom
  • Sorry to say mine is my bd
  • I cant stand stupid drivers. How in earths tarnations did some people get there license? Go way over the speed limit, go way under the speed limit, people that dont use blinkers or stop out of the blue. How annoying!
  • edited March 2011
    I work with a 16 year old teen mom who is spoiled rottin with an attitude off the charts! And uses her being a teen parent for attention and sympathy! I was also a teen parent! She drives me insane!
  • My boyfriend and my sister for me. Which sucks cause they're normally my two best friends haha. Oh well. Only 10 more weeks and six days lol
  • My boss is really that one.
  • I'm just a b*tch to any one who's closest to me not intetionally it just happens lol:)
  • I know just what you mean. My best friend is making me crazy. She is high maintenance and i luv her for that, but right now I can't do it, and she thinks I don’t care. We got into it yesterday over our little lrague tball schedule. Ughh! She is making me crazy. Oh and my dogs, everything about them makes me crazy. Haha! I feel like such a jerk! But I can't help it!
  • My mother in law claiming she's pregnant after the dr told her she was going thrue MENOPAUSE ...... and she said the dr is stupid
  • Ladies please dont judge me as I feel freakin horrible for this. But the one lil person irkin my nerves every other day is my own son. I love that little punk but he can be such a little pest. Lol he just turned 3 and his in that stage where he has to argue with me about everything like he is grown and even shushes me. Sometimes I laugh but other times I just want to pluck the little bugger. Hes always runnin around being loud and when I tell him mommy needs quit time he goes ohhhh shush. Lol I look forward to the weekends when he goes off with my mom but then I miss arguing with him lol my little stinker.
  • Lol I'm so glad its not just me. I feelthe same way about my husband so far. But I'm sure once the weather gets hot and I'm 7 months pregnant he'll be right on up there too!!!
  • @Mommy2BeAgain I don't think theres anything wrong with that. This is my 1st but I'm so sure I would feel the same way. Especially when he's being smart lol
  • EVERYONE. Hah I hate everyone since being pregnant! The simplest shit pisses me off
  • My boyfriend's dad's girlfriend. She's a weirdo and super annoying. I'd hate her even if I weren't pregnant.
  • For me its my Mom she derive me beeyond insane and I'm always irritated when she's around its so sad but tru
  • For me its my lil boy. Is that bad? I feel bad cuz before he wouldnt really wanna hang around me much but know he's up my butt 24/7. It drives me insane!
  • Im more irritated with one of my best friends. Its like everythg she does n says is annoying. I already told her to back off if im in a bad mood, she just laughs. Oh and my mother in law irritates me now.
  • My husband. He's even ugly now.
  • My sister!! I can't stand to be anywhere near her! She complains abt absolutely everything, & always has to create some kind of drama! I swear she would die without it!!
  • My mom. She thinks she knows it all and she believes the only pregnancy symptoms that exist are the ones she had, if she didn't have them then other people are just being dramatic and over doing it.
  • Oh man...just one person? My best friend, my older.sister, my mom, my mother in law....all of them! Lol
  • My grandma! Poor thing means well but drives me insane!
  • @kingsmom ohhhh boy get ready for it. Lil boys can be such smart mouths I tell u lol he loves contradicting me on everything. Yesterday morning it was with breakfast. I said Rondell do you want cereal? Hes like nooooo I want chicken. At 8am and he wants chicken. Lol drive me crazy. I hope this one is my girl and im sooooo done.
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