C section?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Im havin my second csection on june 3. Was wondering if anyone else is having one or has had one and what ur experiences were....


  • I had an emergency csection with my daughter I was put to sleep so I don't know what happened but I have to have another one with this pregnancy and I'm scared to be awake I don't know what to expect.
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  • @cda Im in the sameboat. Had one with my firar and felt it so they put me out. When I awoke I had no clue what happened. This time doc said ill get a spinal so I wont feel it. But not sure what to expect all I really remember was recovery and mines wasnt bad at all...
  • Don't stress ladies, a planned c-section goes so much smoother! I had an emergency csection with my second child. Had to be put under general anesthesia, it was scary and disappointing. But with my third they scheduled a csection and it was the best birth yet (my first was a hrrible vaginal birth). I was making jokes w/ the doctors and they even turned my favorite music on. It was great. Csection recovery is always hard (its major surgery) but when its planned and your able to have a spinal block or epidural, so you can be awake, it goes so much better. You'll even get to see and give baby a kiss right away if all goes normal. It will be ok, just have extra help the first or two week your home, especially for help w/ the older kids. But you'll be alright. If you have any more ?'s I can answer let me know. Good luck.
  • @cicelia thanks... Always nice to hear some positive reassurance....
  • My first c section was April 16, 2010
    Ill be having a c section again April 18, 2011 unless I go into labor on my own.
  • I'm having my third c section on augs 3rd & I'm scared!
  • @havingthethird1 why r u scared? Bad experiences?
  • This is my third. First 2 were emergancies hope this one goes smoother planned. Only difference I noticed between first and second was took forever to poop after my second! Sorry if tmi
  • @kaylin yes very bad experience meds never work for me they have to knock me out!
  • I had an emergency c section with my first...I'm probably having another one although I'm hoping for a vbac
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