not eating????

i had a very emotional day and havent ate like i usually do..i had lots of water i just want to know if my baby is ok..i will be 16 weeks tomorrow plz answer back


  • I am sure you will be okay but really I think you have to eat...even if its just crackers. Why aren't you eating?
  • Your body has stored up lots, but you can deplete them in about a week. Don't stop eating for to long
  • @whoaababy i had some crackers and some lifesavers gummies and lots of morning started off bad i found out my class mate who was a good kid got murdered then my cousin she is a college student in va was given some type of drug from one of her roomates and she is my favorite first cousin at that!! its crazy
  • @mrs_rodney ok thanks i feel better knowing that
  • Life just really stinks the big one sometimes. Completely unfair...people stink ugh don't get me started but just remember you need to take care ofyou and your little one...good luck cry it out if you need to.
  • @whoaababy yes people are evil and thank soo much
  • edited March 2011
    Oh yes dont worry yourself, your baby will take all the nutrients it needs from you, I could hardly eat my entire first trimester I lost 15 lbs! My doc was not worried as long as u stay hydrated and ty to take your prenatals! :)
  • k i did and thanks
  • Try to eat but I have hyperemesis and as long a I stay hydrated the dr says the baby will be fine. I can't keep a meal down but sometimes a banana and crackers or something small like that. So if it's one day and you had water you'll be fine.
  • k thanks I made up for it last night wit the all star meal from the waffle house lol
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