am I even pregg!!? Lol

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 19 weeks today n I swear I have had such a good n easy pregnancy to where I think am I pregg?? Besides the little random movements I feel in mii tummy I haven't had any throwing up, not bad nausea feeling @all.. No troubles sleeeping.. Lots of energy :) only gained 4lbs so far!! ;) I can eat anything.. I'm not that hungry all the tiime. Besides the more frequent urine.. lil heartburn n hormones I consider miiself realllyy blessed!! Can't wait to meet mii bby grl !! watch third trimester gon bite me n the assss! Haa


  • Lol... You're just one of the lucky ones! Some people just have easy pregnancies. Congrats! Enjoy it... It may not be as easy next time.
  • That's so good but knock on some wood girl I said the same thing last pregnancy and then dun dun dun I started puking and had a c sec Holly crap but not to say that would happen to u and please don't be offended just looking out so really u should knock. ;) luckey duck
  • wow your one of the luck woman that doesn't have to deal with morning sickness. As for me morning sickness started to calm down now but before I would throw up 3 or 4 times a day now its gettin alil better than b4. Now i start feeling pain in my stomach and on my right side boy it hurt.
  • that's awesome!!!
  • Hehe thanks ladiess !! Dont mean to bragg juss wondering if anyone has similarities :) nd imma knock forreall @momof22be .. Also no stomach pains o cramping :)
  • I feel you there. I didn't even know I was pregnant until I was already 16 weeks. I'm on my 20th week now with baby #4. I have no symptoms except the tiredness thing, but I always thought it was because I work graveyard shift and I have a 8 yr old, a 6 yr old and a 17 month old at home. I hope it doesn't come and bite me on the butt come labor time! Haha, especially since my labors were 8 hours, 2 hours and 1hr and 17 minutes with my last one.
  • I need a little of your good fortune!! (: I'm jealous.
  • I am the same way. the only time I know I am pg is when I go up 3 flights of stairs for work. I can't breath by the second floor.
  • All my kids were under 6 pounds. Mainly cuz I'm only 5' and my fiance is 5'4", so we're not going to have big babies. And the faster labor comes, the scarier it is, cuz my fear is having this baby on my way to the hospital. That would be a nightmare!.. But goodluck and sending some of mine your way ;)
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