Is it dangerous 2...

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Is it dangerous 2 wake ur baby up while its sleeping and has not even learned to open its eyes yet....


  • i dont see why it should be... babies dont know how to open their eyes??? O.o ive never heard that one before :S probably shouldnt wake it up unless you are worried for its life tho, its probably not dangerous, but it definately needs its sleep
  • I dont think so. some people wake their baby to feed them.
  • Its just like when your baby is out they need all the rest they can get but if u don't feel them move for 24 hours then try to wake them up and I think its OK when u want someone to feel the baby move except someone who has felt it allot like husbands or kids
  • omg >.< wait its still in your tummy??? now im confused lol
  • edited March 2011
    @sunshinelove Yea I think her baby is just giving her an example like u wouldn't wake a sleeping baby sorry to confuse ya. ;)
  • edited March 2011
    @sunshinelove oh and I didn't say anything about the eyes cuz u already did and u r right. :)
  • SORRY ladiea I feel asleep last night...but yes the baby is still baking in my tummy and havent felt it move for the past two worried
  • Don't worry too much. ;)
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