How soon is too soon...

edited March 2011 in Getting pregnant
Hi... I just within the last week experienced a miscarraige I was well would've been six weeks today, I already have a 9mo old beautiful baby girl, and since finding out about having another lil joy (unplanned) I've gotten excited about the thought of another baby joining my life im currently single bc of a crazy situation but since experiencing this miscarriage (my 3rd) im wanting another child badly and its taking over my thoughts... idk if its the grief or guilt talking but should I even consider trying again? But im scared of another miscarraige more terrified of it... advice or thoughts please... thank you. Please don't judge or be mean im already having a hard time.


  • Here's just what i think hun.
    If your not in a relationship and have a 9 mo old baby, don't try. If it happens anyway, then its a blessing that's truly meant to be. Plus, when your not trying is when it tends to happen in most cases lol so in a way, not thinking about it and actively trying could be your way of 'trying'.
    Wanting to add to your family, even if its just momma and babies, (like me) is beautiful. But if u really want to focus on having a second then u should first make the preparations and then concieve. But like i said if it happens it happens and its a beautiful thing. Good luck u will figure out your path!
  • Im still very close with the father of the baby I lost he's still wanting to get back together... but him and my daughters father were best friends before we had started dating. I got tired of the drama between them and left him because of the boy fights and running their mouths about each other. I couldn't handle the stresses if all of if.
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