Itchy skin!!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 24 almost 25 weeks and my skin mainly on my lower legs itch like crazy. My skin seems very dry, but I feel like scratching them till their raw. ANy ideas or suggestions to help with this and is anyone else having the same problem. I know dry skin is common in pregnancy & I use lotions, but they are so itchy. Wow my legs looks like a cat got a hold them. :)


  • Ugh my neck, under my chin, & shoulders are so itchy for the past week. It's so annoying :( I wish I knew how to make it stop
  • I get really dry skin, especially in the winter. Gold Bond shea butter body lotion helps me keep it under control.
  • Haha! My sides of my belly, everywhere my bra touches, and the front of thighs crease where my undies are ger soooo dry skin is just flaking off! And it feels so tight and sore and itchy like a sunburn kinda. I have the full line of palmers butter, cream, and oil and im always applying tgroughout the day nothing help! Im not even big and I have hardly gained any weight! Im 23 weeks
  • I have eczema on top of dry skin so it looks like a cat got to my whole body :(
    Anyways... I have this lotion called utterly smooth. It works great! Now I hafta use it probably 3-4 times a day but I'm sure for ladies with just dry skin will b ok using it at morning and night :)
  • I felt like the Palmer's cocoa butter oil had too much alcohol, leaving my skin feeling tighter than before I applied it. I'm not positive, but I think it is not good. Plain vit e oil is probably better. Definitely Bio Oil over the Palmer's.

    But the tummy butter still feels good.
  • Thanks ladies for the input and advice on lotions. I am using Palmer cocoa butter on my legs, it does seem to help some, but still my legs itch and I just wanna scratch, scratch, scratch. And the harder the better. But then my legs are sore feeling from the scratching. I don't know maybe this something I have to deal with till birth. But I'm willing to try anything if it'll help. I hope y'alls itchiness gets better too. :-D
  • Wow Im experiencing the same thing...My legs itch like crazy especially when I lay down or just take off jeans..First I thought it was the soap...but I havent switched up...but I found Vaseline and Shea Butter mixed together Really helpful...!! Well at least until it wears :)
  • Thanks MommysWorld! I should try that too. I thought about trying some hydrocortizone cream, but not sure if it's ok to use while preggers.
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