argh! wut did i do! lol

edited March 2011 in Just for Fun
Sort of a vent. But its kinda funny to me. So I'm busy reading posts and had to put my two cents in cuz my hormones just went wacky. I swore id never put myself in the drama!!!! :'( lol
Anyways... how are all the mommies and future mommies tonight :)


  • Hi im symptoms at all and 7wks
  • How are yu
  • Lucky u! I'm moody, nauseous one second then starving the next. Boobs hurt and eczema is on fire. Sheesh im really jealous now lol
  • LOL don't feel bad I do it sometimes too. Sometimes I wish I could delete what I said oh well life goes on! I'm up bored can't sleep.... feel fat cause I ate too much :))
  • @Ghettobetty yu and me both i had the hugest salad ever i cnt move and my belly feel like a brick lol
  • Lol same here! I ate so many doritos... I wanted to have sum before the bf ate them all, next thing I kno the bag is empty!
  • I'm good. How about you? Ready to have this baby. Lol.38 weeks and 5 days have already passed, so I don't have much longer.:)
  • I had 2 pieces of pizza salad and breadsticks I'm ashamed but my appetite is just comming back! All I want to do is eat eat eat if I find something that doesn't make me nauseous!
  • How exciting!!!! Boy or girl?
  • I'm having a little boy. Were naming him Braiden Allen. I'm getting so nervous. I'm so anxious to meet him!
  • Awww that's such a nice name!!!!! I love it :) good luck and let us kno how it all goes and everything!
  • Thank you.:)
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